Saturday, June 30, 2012

Fun Lesson from 3/4th grade

Early Advanced-Advanced ELPA

Hi Everybody!   I was looking through some of my photos from the school year and found a series of pictures to share. They show parts of how we took a National Geographic article about turtles and included a compare and contrast ESL lesson, then took it to writing. Of course, there was more to the lesson than the pictures show. We had already worded on adjectives that take more vs. er, etc...and practiced using these sentence forms at a early intermediate and intermediate level.  The pictures show sentence frames and a couple of finished paragraphs students wrote with sentence frame support. The students graphed their comparisons and we  brought in the math language piece of  more than and less than.  Kids wrote up questions and cruised around the room asking each other about their graphs. 

It was a lot of fun and reached various learning styles. Hope to hear about some of your great lessons from last year. Pictures would be great!  

Hope to hear from you!

Nancy J. Reynolds
3rd grade Content Standard
3rd grade Core Content Standard

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